Wetland ecosystems do best where water bathes plant roots year round, and soil oxygen levels are low. Urban development, changes in drainage patterns, and land conversion to other uses have contributed to the loss of significant areas of B.C.'s original wetlands. In the Vancouver area, the remaining wetlands are mostly small, but nevertheless worthy of preservation. One of these is found in Lighthouse Park along the Juniper Loop Trail. A few smaller seasonal pools are found in depressions in the Park's rocky landscape.
PACIFIC CHORUS FROG Pseudacris regilla
This is BC's most common frog species. Responsive to environmental changes, they can be brown and spotted when warm and dry and, green when wet and cool!
SKUNK CABBAGE Lysichitum americanum
Its club-shaped spadix is covered in tiny green flowers and cloaked in a bright yellow hood (spathe). The spathe helps trap heat generated by the stem and the large tropical-looking leaves. Skunk cabbage illuminates wet seepage sites in the spring and gets its name from its fetid skunk-like odour, which attracts pollinating beetles.
RED ELDERBERRY Sambucus racemosa
Its stems, roots and leaves are poisonous, but the fruits edible. Coastal First peoples often make jams and juices from them.
SALMONBERRY Rubus spectabilis
This soft thorny shrub provides good nesting habitat. Birds also benefit from its late-spring berries and hummingbirds from its nectar.
MAIDENHAIR FERN Adiantum pedatum
This beautiful fern is restricted to moist areas beside waterfalls and intracts of runoff on rocky bluffs.