
Lighthouse Park Preservation Society is a membership-based non-profit organization formed in 1998 to:

  • protect the natural integrity of Lighthouse Park;
  • promote public awareness of its natural features;
  • and support the development of biological zones near the park boundaries.


There are two ways to join us, either online or by postal mail.
To join by mail, print the form at the bottom of the page.
For online payment, use the PayPal buttons below.

Individual 1 year membership - $15
link to PayPal

Individual 3 year membership - $40
link to PayPal

Senior or student 1 year membership - $10
link to PayPal

Senior or student 3 year membership - $25
link to PayPal

Family 1 year membership - $30
link to PayPal

Family 3 year membership - $65
link to PayPal

Our postal mail membership form can be downloaded from the link below. Just click the link, fill out the form, print it out from your computer and mail to us along with your cheque to the address provided.

Please note personal cheques must from a Canadian bank; cashier cheques in Canadian dollars are acceptable as well.

Download Membership Form